The Good, The Bad, and The Great

Endless resumes, interviews, and retention rates falling have employers pulling their hair out during pandemic, then The Great Resignation. Many of the talent pool and roles they have to fill aren’t lining up… and even if they do align, keeping that new all-star seems all too daunting. What are company’s to do when they can’t seem to execute company goals because their staff is in constant shift??

This global issue is the aftermath of the Pandemic and can be attributed to many receding hairlines and the dark days of recession. Solving the issue at hand can’t come from doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result.. After all, that is the definition of insanity. So, shape up and get on your shiny blue light glasses to examine the problem at hand and solve it with innovation. 

Here is a few things we can clearly see …

  1. The continuous acceleration of digital progress is a sure thing, no matter how bad or good the market is. Science and technology will continue to press on despite any chaos that lies ahead. Incorporate the process to stay in motion with the times – see AI technology. 
  2. The Pandemic caused a lot of things, one of which is digital transformation. If employers aren’t keeping up with the digital pace of their employees, than they can just as well kiss them goodbye! No one wants to work with outdated tech tools that slows their process. Equip your team with what is now and user friendly to keep them whistling while they work.
  3. There is a debate that’s been a brewing for some time now, work from home, return to office or hybrid?? So what is an employer to do here… take a hard look at your business and try to cater to your talents needs. What do you care whether they are suited up in office or attending Zoom meetings in jogging pants at home – the question is are they producing for you? It may be best to take this case by case and include employees in the decision making process so they feel they get a say in it all.
  4. The overpriced degree does not equate to the ideal employee. Companies have realized this for some time now, they need skilled learners that they can teach. It’s an ongoing process of growth and the only way to prove you got it is to work it. Experience trumps higher education. Remember this when picking from that hiring pool … oh and potential – look for it. It’s all a balancing act to create a team that sets you up for success.
  5. Creatives and marketing professionals tend to be personalities who like remote work and may thrive in less structured environments – if you aren’t set up for managing talent with that mindset, bring in vendors/partners who can deliver results while keeping the creative team management on their side.

So if you are wondering if there is hope ahead, there is. Deploy some new tactics and take your company on in a new way to lead it to greatness.